This website contains photos of 375 species of wildflowers (222), trees & shrubs (112) and grasses & sedges (41) of Raptor's View Wildlife Estate in Hoedspruit, Limpopo, South Africa. All photos were taken on the estate by residents and visitors and were uploaded on the Flora of Raptor's View Facebook group. A comprehensive list, statistics and links to all original Facebook post is available in this spreadsheet.

Species identification has been provided by the uploader or was discussed on the Facebook group. Great thanks goes to Duncan McKenzie and Warren McCleland for their assistance with identifying many tricky species. Andrew Hankey, Bart Wursten and various iNaturalist experts like Clare Archer, Iain Darbyshire, Almero Bosch, James Deacon, Pieter Winter, Phil WhiteRobert Archer, Norman Douglas and  Troos  van der Merwe also provided valuable input, along with assistance from James Culverwell.

Photos have been submitted by Joël Roerig (FB group admin), David and Bernie Spencer, Brenden Pienaar (FB group admin), Derek Solomon, David Berry, Ali Joy, Ken Farnsworth, Derek Keats, Byron Wright, Helene Loon, Mirjam Logjes Elbertse, Janine Scorer, Cheryl Morrison, Anthony de Boer, Christopher Hines, Elize Oosthuizen, Mike Whatmore, Steve Benbow, Wayne te Brake, Mike Rex, Heidel Hiestermann, David Fitzhugh, Tansy McLean, Josh Whyte, Dirk Redecker, Dalene Worrall, Jessica Raye Stoop, Kurt Max, Jenny Bell, Andrew Wilcox, Mark Lotwis and Roger Targett.

The following titles have proven extremely helpful for identification:

IMPORTANT NOTE: This website is a work in progress. Residents and visitors to Raptor's View are encouraged to submit photos of trees, shrubs,  plants and grasses taken on the estate to the Flora of Raptor's View Facebook group. It is not essential to know what species it is. 

MISTAKES: If you see a species on this website that might be misidentified, please write a post on the Facebook group or contact Joël Roerig by email.